For those of you who do not know, I am a former Kindergarten teacher and I have an early childhood education degree. Teaching young kiddos is my speciality and I love it! When Tara from Itty Bitty Bookworm offered to send me both the Bo and Bailey curriculum to review I was thrilled! I have heard a lot about it and was very curious!
The CD arrived, containing an entire year’s worth for both age groups and I began browsing through it all. Without being long-winded, I will tell you that this is an extremely developmentally appropriate program, which exposes young kids to the joys of early literacy. I was beyond impressed with the many resources offered. It gives you everything you need, besides the books themselves (which you can easily find at the library!). It is thorough not only in the lessons themselves bu also in educating you, the teacher/parent, about young children. It was basically my college education all wrapped up in a nice little package!!!
The curriculum is written for a group setting so it does take some minor adapting for a homeschooling mom, but it worked fine for us! The books featured are wonderful, and I had a hard time choosing 1 to work with for our review!
Krash is 3, I knew I could choose from either program, so I decided on Is Your Mama a Llama (from Bo, year 1, February) and chose a few of the activities to do for our Tot School time, which ended up including Pac Man too since it was fun and artsy! This was an awesome activity and one I would have never thought of on my own! We made silhouette paintings using templates provided on the CD, for each animal in the book!
It was a fun activity and we have done a few others too and will certainly be doing more! The Cd’s we have now are FULL of great ideas and book extensions. I am so excited to have this awesome resource for our homeschool.