~Krash is currently 46.5 months old~
~Ladybug is currently 11.5 months old~
We are carrying on around here, getting ready for the big change from Tot School to Preschool with Krash. I am spending hours and hours behind the scenes preparing for that. We are going to officially begin mid-April. We go on vacation April 10 for a little over a week, then plan to get into Preschool when we return! For now we carry on in Tot School fashion, these being his final weeks…wow time flies!
Krash has always been better at letter ID than number ID, so we are working hard! Here he is putting his magnets in order {with help from me}. We also practiced counting 1:1 several times once they were all in order.
We went outside to play with our lowercase alphabet beanbags {my mom made them for us}
We used our ABC floor puzzle letters to work on K’s name, here he is hopping on the letters as he says them. We dug out our bottle top spelling cards and this time he chose Nana first ;-).
He also worked with his color wheel, I remember not so long ago when he couldn’t open clothespins at all! He’s so big now!
We continue to explore our Easter theme and added in our Resurrection Eggs this week. Krash had a GREAT time exploring them each morning freely. We are teaching through them, but I also gave him time to just explore.
I made K color eggs, putting a few small items in the colored egg to match. He opened them all, dumped them all out and then put them all back correctly.
The boys played Roll an Easter Egg… We made more patterns with our eggs…
We played the Easter Dice Game again…
G is for goat! We read a few farm books, his favorite being Grumpy Morning.
Ladybug explored eggs this week! She played with her eggs every day and loved them every single time. We used a basket and also an empty parmesan cheese container to play with them. She didn’t really like it when we put them all into the container and made her get them out herself 😉
Pac Man counted one at a time for her as he put them in…she just stares at him, it’s adorable.
I was brave and let her explore our Sensory Box…Easter basket grass! The box was mostly for Krash, but he wasn’t all that interested so it became for Ladybug. I let her go at it on this day and she had a blast!I think things like this are important {under CLOSE supervision} because it exposes babies to textures and sounds they probably wouldn’t encounter otherwise. You can just see her little brain working as she plays. I love her face below ;-).
She also loved playing with the pegs this week. I gave her just a few and she loved holding them, perfect size for her little hands! Pac Man is always stealing kisses ;-).
She joined us for morning calendar time this week and was so cute. Lately she has been napping during calendar time but this day she was awake and she loved it! She held our cards for us!
Definite learning going on here during Fort Building 101.
Krash is obsessed with ladders. Daddy was working outside hanging a new swing for us and Krash had to be right in the action. I love his face below 😉
He is also obsessed with tools, apparently the ladder needed some fixing.
- Are you wondering where to start with Tot School? Read here!
- Read more aboutTot Trays here!
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