Pac Man is entering 3rd grade next and we are finally officially out of Mom’s comfort zone. I must admit I am a bit anxious about this. I have taught 1st grade and below and know enough about 2nd grade that I knew I would be fine homeschooling the early elementary grades. I secretly always knew that the year he entered 3rd grade would be a big transition for ME!
Of course he isn’t phased in the least, and is just thrilled to have a higher grade to report to friends and family members ;-). We are continuing on with our cyber charter school, which still uses Calvert as their curriculum for 3rd grade. Getting the big ol’ Calvert box in the mail is a very big deal around here! I got all sappy looking at this post, which seems like just yesterday {when his 1st grade box arrived}.
We start our year by getting the first 20 lessons completed before our official school year starts. I like having 20 built in random free days throughout the year. Our life is so random, we need this! Our official start day is July 26, which means I am in planning mode! Getting the box in the mail and browsing through it is WAY more fun than actually doing the work!
I was thrilled to see 2 changes in the Calvert Curriculum…2 things I didn’t like about 1st and 2nd grade; Social Studies and Spelling. I noticed in the box that both are now from Scott Foresman, which is a publisher I recognize and remember liking back in my teaching days…I hope I like it still!!! I am busy going through it all right now and getting my first 20 lessons planned out. I am praying this program works well for us and that I won’t need to supplement my own stuff as much as I did these past few years {I did that because I am super picky about certain things and Calvert was good, just not exactly what I wanted}.
Krash was just happy to have a new big box to play in {he’s showing off his new Batman tatoo}…