Most of my homeschooling ideas are now being “tumbld” so be sure to check out my tumblr blog for the many wonderful ideas I have found online. Although, I haven’t had the time to tumbl as much as I would like to lately!
In addition to those wonderful ideas and posts, here are a few more that I have starred in my Google Reader in the past few months…
- How to Make Your Life an Endless Celebration…be prepared to get your tissues out if you haven’t seen Ann Voskamp’s post about meeting her Compassion child in Guatemala.
- Rising to the Challenge…I loved this post from Inspiration Surrounds, Creativity Abounds, sharing how she balances crafting with 3 kiddos! Elise is SO crafty and I am SO not, I love seeing what she does with her kids!
- Mission of the Month…My blogging friend Jenn has a new great idea, go check it out {I hope to join in…we’ll see!}
- Time for Tots…I was excited to see two blogging moms I know have opened their own Etsy store together!
- Self Serve Painting…a great idea from Let’s Explore, I have to do this!
- LEGO Unit & Lapbook…I have bookmarked this one to do in the future!!!
- Coinstar & Amazon…Who Knew?
- Making Predictions During Read Alouds… a great post on ABC & 123 by TeachMama
I still have over 1000 unread posts in my reader, and haven’t had a lot of time to blog read recently. I hope to mellow out and have some time soon!