We created a Family Pumpkin Patch Craft based on John 15:5!
I had each family member do the knuckle painted pumpkins and then I drew the vine and wrote John 15:5 at the top…
I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.
I then wrote our names by our pumpkins {along with the ages of the kids on the back} and laminated it. I didn’t get any photos of the process since I was controlling paint covered hands ;-). While each child was waiting, they free-painted pumpkins…
Krash isn’t into free-painting so he lasted all of about 30 seconds ;-). Ladybug made dot-paint pumpkins 😉 and Pac LOVES free-painting so he stayed for awhile enjoying it all!
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