~Ladybug is currently 23 months old~
We had a GREAT week!!! I am so glad God gave me the idea of the units, she is really loving them! I have gotten lots of great feedback from many of you also! I hope our tots continue to enjoy what I create!
Letter: Bb
Object: Balls
Vocabulary Development Theme: Outdoor Fun
You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage.
To prepare for this week, I had the boys help me fill a laundry basket with every {indoor} ball we had in our home! Ladybug LOVED this basket all week long and played many, MANY times with the balls {so did the boys}.
Her favorite was to sit in the basket with the balls!
Again, she loved her printables and her “cool” {school} time, dot painting being a favorite…
Her table high chair is just perfect, I am so glad I ordered it on a whim!!!
She tried her best at the lacing, which was more than she did last week! She did enjoy watching me do it!
I held the color cards for her as she scribbled a bit…
She really just wanted Krash to color them for her though!
I took the photos for the ball sequencing photos so she really loved that we had the actual ball in the photos!
She did NOT like the stamping this week!
She asked for purple, and spent a VERY long time coloring the Bb objects!!!
I added tiny magnets to our 3 part puzzles and gathered letters from our wooden set, and our Leapfrog set and added them to the dishwasher. I will continue to add each week! She LOVED this!
I put her toys in baskets this week, just for a change, she didn’t really seem to care though. Here she is matching shapes…
She loved the alphabet Ladybug puzzles…
Here she was dancing and yelling along to our Laurie Berkner DVD…
I made the kids a haphazard squishy letter writing baggie, using things we had that we don’t eat or were expired…deciding on syrup and cornstarch! The boys had fun digging through the cabinets with me! It worked well, but the letters disappeared quickly! Ladybug loved squishing it around!
A little easel drawing! She told me this was a star!
After she finishes her Tot School printables time, I have been letting her watch aBaby Signing Time DVD while I work with Krash, which she LOVES!
She is in LOVE with the Starfall App on my iPod!!! I can’t believe how good she is with it!
A little chillin’ with the big brother while he lays his DSi while lounging in our giant bean bag chair…She is still an avid reader!
Our church had a college football mission team here serving and they hosted a football camp for the neighborhood kids. Ladybug REALLY enjoyed her time on the sidelines with Daddy!