I have been meaning to share this for SO long now and finally remembered! Pac Man and I have had something new going on for several months now and we both really enjoy it.
His lesson plan blog!
For safety reasons, I will not be sharing the link of his blog as it is just for us, but I am going to share several screen shots to give you a tour and tell you how it works for us!
I still write paper lesson plans, basically the same way I have been doing all year long, now I just transfer them to his blog so he can see them on his computer. I have changed the exact how I am doing the blog plans but it has evolved into a method that works for both of us.
Currently his daily plans look like this {except this is a finished day so they are crossed off}
His favorite part about the blog posts-my notes. He thrives on words and loves notes from anyone. Knowing this is a love-tank filler for him, I write him a small encouraging note each day on his plans, here are a few…
Before we went to the straight lesson plan list shown above, I gave him a more structured list, like this:
I no longer have to tell him what is with me and what should be done independently. He is capable of figuring that out on his own and our new daily routine works well supporting his independence in this area.
With Calvert, students are assessed every 20 lessons, so when it is time to review, I write him review posts for each subject so he can glance over and we can work together on anything he has forgotten.
I also utilize the blog sidebar and put any vocab words/spelling words up at the beginning of a new 20 lessons period so he can see what words he will need to know by the end…
I created a link list for him of different website he goes to periodically, this is also on his blog sidebar. *Starfall is on there since he plays it with Ladybug ;-).
I use Windows Live Writer and this method would be very frustrating without it. I compose his posts in Live Writer and schedule them for the day they are to publish. As his day goes on I can go in and mark things off-he really likes this {although sometimes I am really slack about it}.
Technical Details… We used a basic Blogger blog template: “Awesome Inc.”, I only switched colors and that’s it, everything else about his blog design is very simple-I just added in his favorite colors-green and blue!
To be honest I am slack sometimes and there will be weeks I don’t put his lessons up on his blog, they are always on paper but he LOVES when I put them on his blog. I need to be 100% consistent with this because I know it is very motivating for him.
See more Out of the Zone posts here!