~Ladybug is currently 31 months old~
Letter: Ww
Object: Window
Vocabulary Development Theme: In My House
You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage.
I do believe every photo is of Ladybug in her jammies. We like it that way around here, especially in the winter when her footie pajamas are so stinking cute! Daddy is in charge of dressing her each morning and he has been leaving her jammies on lately simply because he thinks they are way too cute to take off.
We often think her Medusa bed-head is cute too and will leave her hair all messed up for the morning too. Here she was sporting her fancy hair and jammies while tracing her W in her dry erase center, with her fancy new click Expo marker, which she LOVES.
Dot painting her letters,
We did a lot more, I was just VERY slack with the camera!
Fun Books & Toys for this unit here!
She had Thanksgiving shelves this week, combined with a few random learning toys. I forgot to take a photo of the shelf set up and didn’t get many action shots of her playing, again this week! Here’s what I did capture…
Beginner Patter Block Puzzles…
Puffy sticker pile, thanks Nanee and Baba for the fun stickers that kept her entertained for days!
Turkey drawing. The girl knocked my socks off with this one. Neither of my boys were early drawers, so I am loving this! Info about the drawing page and others like it is here on my Facebook page too!
We LOVED the I Know an Old Lady printables we used!
I printed the magnets and we used our cookie sheet along with our storytelling. Ladybug really enjoyed this. Here we were reading the “10 layer cake” part, Pac had a hold of my camera while I was teaching the littles!
Turkey feathers, turkey feathers, brightly colored, brightly colored…by far her favorite Thanksgiving activity!!!
She also liked the other turkey songs too, personally I love her hair-do.
The play dough mats came in a close second for most played with activity of the week.
Here, her beloved Boca puppet is helping her color a Mayflower coloring page we got online.