Gather together here, gather ideas from other blogs, share your own ideas on your own blog. Browse around at the other posts linked up, leave a few comments if you have time, and be sure to check back to see if your blog was featured!
Busy, busy, busy! You mamas are some busy women…..creating, teaching, and learning with your Tots! Be sure to check out all the different blogs that have linked up this week – there are some amazing activities featured.
Fall is in the air, even when you live in a country that doesn’t have typical fall weather! Head on over to Mountain Mama Teaching to see how Tot Mom Rachel brought autumn to her boys with some inspired and resourceful activities. The treat featured would sure help the atmosphere of autumn fill my home!
Racing on the Road Called Life featured activities focusing on the letter C, the number 3, and the Bible story of Joseph. Explore the fun and goings-on that Tot Mom Stephanie cooked up with her tots and their friends.
Life sometimes gets in the way of our desire to do “normal” Tot School, but our Tots are learning from every activity in which we involve them – from caring for a friend during a time of struggle to tending to family members who are ill – each moment is a learning opportunity! No Greater Honors shares what she has done with her Tot after the dust settled on a hectic few weeks of life. Be sure to check out how Buddy Boy surprises his mama with one particular activity.
Were you featured?
You are welcome to a button but you certainly don’t have to use it! Totally optional!
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A photo and a link to your post may appear in a future Tot School post. You give me permission to choose a photo from the post you link up, and give me permission to use your ideas in my post. I will link back to you, mention your blog, and give you full credit for any ideas choose to share form your post. If you don’t want me sharing photos, your blog, or ideas, please don’t link up.
Your post is a post written specifically for Tot School and not just an idea for tots. It features your own child{ren} in action. This is a community for moms to come together and share their journey with Tot School virtually.
Provide a link back to Tot School within your blog post {you can use this link: or a direct link to the weekly post you link up to} if you link up. If you do not link back to Tot School, your link will be deleted. Link backs on the sidebar, or in a massive “I link up here” page don’t count ~ they are too difficult for me to find and the first thing I look for when verifying links is the link back.
Link up your exact Tot School post {not your blog homepage} if you are unsure how to do that read this!
- Each week I will feature photo{s} and ideas from blogs who link up. Sometimes it may be one simple idea, sometimes it may be a collection based around a concept .
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Where to Begin with Tot School eBook?
See the Tot School webpage here!
New to linking up here? Read this first! Basics: write a specific post about what you did with your tot, link up the permalink from your post, link back to Tot School within that post, put your tot’s age in months in ( ) like this: (43 months).