I share many activities on my blog. I do many activities with my children. But, I have never written a post directly about the thought and belief I hold that overrides any activity I share. I have mentioned this quote here, here, and here, but never dedicated an entire post to this idea, Mommy’s ATTITUDE matters more than the ACTIVITIES.
As we begin our month of fun filled Christmas activities, it is my prayer that we all remember this. Memories will be made more by the attitude we display, rather than the crafts we make. I am not always the most peaceful, joy-filled momma. I struggle with anxiety, stress and a temper. I find myself on my knees almost every night praying to do things better the next day. I am definitely a work in progress.
I realize I will never be a perfect Godly momma here on earth, but that doesn’t stop me from praying, and trying to be better for my kids. I used to think better meant more fun things for them to do. I now realized that it means having a more JOY FILLED attitude.
{not activity-filled}
These smiling faces will certainly smile more if I smile more.