{disclaimer ~ this is a sponsored post in partnership with Teaching Textbooks}
It’s no secret, we LOVE Teaching Textbooks Math! We have used TT math for all three of our kids for many years! Our oldest son, who is currently in 11th grade, completed up through Algebra 2 {he is taking Pre-Cal at our community college right now – and doing very well}, our son {7th grade} is using Pre Algebra now and our daughter {4th grade} is using Math 5. What was once my most feared homeschool subject to teach is now the easiest for me!! Read on to see 5 reasons why!
#1 The Trial is FREE
Yes, this is the most important reason I believe you should give TT a try. What do you have to lose? The trial is FREE and you get to test out the first 14 lessons – full lessons, full features. Get your free trial here.
#2 You are NOT the main math teacher!
The program is! Seriously, this is such a blessing for me {the non-math momma}. The program is the lead teacher and I step in with assistance if needed. I rarely even need to step in and usually if I do, it’s because a child didn’t fully pay attention to the lecture portion. I questioned the ability of a program to adequately teach math in the beginning, but I now know that the program is a WAY better teacher than I could be {for math at least!}.
#3 The New 3.0 Version is ONLINE!
Y’all this has been a game-changer for me. Not having to use a specific computer for each child every single time is a dream come true. We can do math while on the road if needed and can easily jump onto an available computer if necessary! My kids all use older computers and sometimes they just stop, so having the option of switching computers, even mid-lesson, is heavenly!
#4 Self Grading!
I don’t have to grade math. Amen. The program not only grades the lessons one question at a time {instant feedback for the child}, it also give the overall grade at the end of the lesson and tracks it in a digital gradebook. I like having a paper copy too, so I use these checklists to record the grades that TT gives me!
#5 Reasonable Cyclical Review
I am a HUGE fan of cyclical review in math but I also believe enough is enough. Too much can really ruin a good thing. TT has just the right amount to keep skills fresh without totally overwhelming the child with repetitive review.
There are many more reasons to give Teaching Textbooks a try, but those are my simplified top 5 for you. It all comes down to one though – trying is FREE, so why not? You’ll never know what you’re missing unless you give it a try!
When you end up loving it, you can download my free Teaching Textbooks checklists here!