Ivy Kids Kits are incredible! We have been reviewing kits for a long time now and the boxes never disappoint! We hope you enjoy our latest Ivy Kids Kit review featured in this post!

Ivy Kits are a monthly educational subscription for children ages 3-8 developed by early childhood teachers with children of their own. You can tell these kits were developed by people who truly know young kids. The activities are awesome. Not only can you subscribe to a monthly kit, you can also buy past kits.
Each Ivy Kit contains instructions with ways to modify games to best suit each individual child and provide adults with questions to structure a child’s learning. There are enough games and materials in each kit to engage and cognitively stimulate a child throughout the month and can be replayed for years to come.
We were sent Kermit the Hermit for this review!
This super fun kit featuring the humorous and heartwarming book Kermit the Hermit by Bill Peet contains over 10 science, math, art, literacy, and engineering activities inspired by the story. Children will create a crab headband, make a Kermit the Hermit Crab craft, decorate a wooden treasure box, play games with a wind-up crab and so much more. Everything children need to read, play, create, and learn is included! This kit is packed with endless fun!
Here is a peek inside of this kit and ALL of the amazing activities included.
If you’ve been following along, you know I had the privilege of teaching two young kids in my home for a year and a half. While I no longer teach them, I am very close with their family and they still use the Ivy Kids Kits for me and their mom sends me photos so you can see the kits in action! The children using the kits are ages 3-9.
I always love seeing the children all working together. The wide variety of ages this box appeals to makes it great for homeschooling families. Below you can see the three older siblings working on their crab labeling activity.

Little sis is 3 and as you can see she LOVES being involved! Painting shells was a hit!

The games are always super fun and absolutely perfect for fun hands-on learning. Check out those smiles…

The learning activities are just so fun, the kids don’t often realize how educational the box is. They just see the fun! I love the little wind-up crab included with this kit, you can see it below being used to work on measurement. The coins included are popular with kids and you can see them being used for a tally mark activity below.

All smiles preparing to go on their treasure hunt! Check out those adorable crab headbands! All supplies for crafts included in the box!

Check out my reel from Instagram to see the entire kit, every activity that is included in ONE BOX! Click here to watch it!
I hope you enjoyed this peek inside of an Ivy Kids Kit!
A huge thanks to Ivy Kids for sending us these kits to review. If you are looking for a simple way to do unit studies with your young children, I highly recommend Ivy Kids Kits!
When you subscribe to Ivy Kids, each month you will receive a very well-organized kit containing a book and ten or more activities based on the story. Everything you need to learn and play is included in your kit. I mean EVERYthing. These kits are incredible!
20% off your first kit for NEW Subscribers to the monthly subscription kits!
Use code: IVY20
10% off past kits in the shop with code: PASTKITS10