Just Mom
My Daily Docket…
After my Makin' Friends Monday post earlier today, Keri asked me to share my Daily Docket. As I mentioned earlier, I got this great idea from Simple Mom, I just...
Friend Makin’ Monday ~ Little Tips for Life
I want to start participating in a few weekly memes that I have found that I really like. The first on this list is this great one, Friend Makin Monday....
Romans 7:18b
This is my husband's favorite! If you can't tell, that's Pac Man when he was about 2! For myself, I had one of these days today. I was all thrown...
Psalm 55:22a
I am sharing these on my personal blog and it occurred to me today that I should probably share over here, since this blog has about 15 times the number...
Update on my Mommy-Status
Prayers were answered in the way I had hoped for, I can honestly say I feel SOOOO much better. I am reflecting now, what did I do differently? What do...
Confession Time
It occurs to me every now and then that this blog makes me appear WAY better than I actually am in real life :). As I look back through photos...

How Do I Do It?
I have gotten a few comments and emails lately, especially after Ladybug's birth, asking me how I do it all. By *it all* I believe they mean...homeschooling, blogging, maintaining my...
Prayer Geography
I posted this on my personal blog too, so if you are a reader over there, please ignore it here!!! I just wanted to be sure Paxc-Man could hear form...
Family Update
My husband is in surgery today, to remove possibly cancerous lymph nodes in his abdomen. It is a very intense surgery, he has been in since about 10:30am and is...
Family Update
I have gotten many emails and comments wondering about my husband and I can't thank you all enough for your prayers and comments/emails. I have not been responding to many,...
Not what we expected…
We are facing another medical crisis in our family, this one much worse than the pregnancy illness I experienced for 6 weeks. My husband, Frank, was diagnosed a few days...