Love Theme Preschool Fun
We celebrate LOVE the entire month of February, not just on Valentine’s Day. Obviously we celebrate love every single day, but we make it a school theme in February! We...
10 Tot School Ideas for 9-12 months
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used} Tot School is simply playing with your tot! The name came from my son many years ago, but don’t let the term “school” fool...
Winter Theme Preschool Fun
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used in this post} Winter Theme Preschool Printables & Activities We Used ~ The Mitten Story Prop Printables The Mitten Pack from Homeschool Creations Winter...
Learning with Ladybug ~ Age 4y, 9m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current...
Home Preschool ~ Letter U
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...
Learning with Ladybug ~ age 4y, 8.5m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our...
Home Preschool ~ Letter T
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...
Learning with Ladybug ~ age 4y 7.5m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current...
Home Preschool ~ Letter S
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...
Learning with Ladybug ~ age 4y, 7m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current...
Home Preschool Letter R
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...
Thanksgiving Preschool Fun
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used in this post} Her Thanksgiving shelf ~ Our Mayflower ship and Thanksgiving set are a yearly favorite, I am so glad they all still...