We celebrate LOVE the entire month of February, not just on Valentine’s Day. Obviously we celebrate love every single day, but we make it a school theme in February! We had a lot of fun these past few weeks, Ladybug loved the LOVE fun we had. It probably helps that her favorite colors and red and pink!
LOVE Theme Preschool Printables & Activities We Used ~
The Valentine’s Sensory Bin was a big favorite this year. She played with it SO much!
The first day she set out to investigate and sort out all of the items in the bin!
Then it was creative time!
Very happy with her creation!
We made a new batch of play dough, and used it almost daily alongside of the sensory bin. Her favorite was making candies!
This Love Tot Pack has been well loved in my house! It has been around since Krash was a tot. Ladybug enjoyed mending the broken hearts…
She told me love bug matching was way too easy!
She loves ABC order and had a great time making the heart snake with me!
Complete with eyes and a tongue!
Matching numbers on hearts…
She also enjoyed a few of the printables from the Valentine’s Do-A-Dot Printables. Here she was completing the patterns…
All of these ideas and more are pinned here ~
See our love preschool post from last year below!
See more theme based printable packs here!
See more home preschool fun over at Preschool Corner!