
Ocean Theme Kindergarten No Prep Activity Pack for July
Are you homeschooling Kindergarten? Looking for monthly Kindergarten no-prep activities that are simple to prepare {just print!} yet engaging for your kindergartner? Our ocean theme Kindergarten no prep packet is just what you need! This engaging printable...

Ocean Animals Kindergarten Printables
I have a brand new Ocean Animals Kindergarten Pack! This new pack is filled with MANY printable activities to use with your Kindergartner. With a fun ocean animals theme, this...

What is Juneteenth?
Juneteenth is coming soon! "Juneteenth is short for June Nineteenth. June 19th is a holiday that marks the day that enslaved people that lived in our country, found out that...

Beach Montessori Printables – FREE 3 Part Cards
We have a new addition in our Montessori Printables collection! This is a brand new Beach Fun Nomenclature cards featuring photographs. If you are planning a beach theme, these free...
Beach Fun Preschool Printables
We have a new Beach Fun Preschool Pack for you! I hope this new beach theme printable pack is put to good use by many of your tots and preschoolers!...

Let’s Draw Flowers ~ Free Printables!
I love to draw but am not a natural artist. I love drawing tutorials and have used them in my homeschool with my kids for years. When I saw this...

Seashell Coloring Pages
We have a brand new set of Seashell Coloring printables for you! These are great for adults who like to color as well as children. The idea behindJust Color! is...

Summer Calendar Connections
Summer is coming soon for most of us and we have lots of fun Calendar Connections themes to use with your kids this summer! Choose a theme your kids would...

Evan-Moor Daily Summer Activities Book Review
For years we have done a Summer Challenge with our kids as a way to keep them busy and help them have a chance to earn some extra money....
Camping Fun Preschool Printables
It has been a long time since I have made a Preschool Pack, and I miss creating these! I don’t have any preschoolers anymore but I miss the early childhood...

Inspire Me! Story Starter Photo Cards ~ Summer Fun Theme
Sometimes young writers have a hard time putting their thoughts on paper. When I used to teach Kindergarten, writing was actually my favorite subject to teach, but many children struggled...

Flower Calendar Connections
My daughter has been very interested in flowers lately so I created a Flower Identification Calendar Connections set! This set is very basic and just focuses in naming the flowers,...