Tot School
Tot School ~ Florida Style
This post almost didn't exist, as I have been in the WORST of my sickness almost all week. I actually missed many of these moments K experienced this week. God...
Tot School-Pregnant Mommy Style
Tot School began wonderfully, BEFORE I began feeling sick. We got one whole activity in... Thankfully it was a fun one. We got out the big ABC floor puzzle and...
Tot School
I got out the lacing beads for K early in the week. He won't lace for long but at least he will attempt it now! This day we mostly talked...
Tot School
Krash seemed to really *grow up* this week. I feel like my baby boy has sort of disappeared into this little talking, questioning, explaining, understanding-grown up little tot. He's still...
Tot School ~ Grandparent Style
Both of my boys spent the week down in NC with both sets of grandparents. I stayed home and cleaned my house, my husband went on a mission trip to...
Tot School
We had a short Tot School week leaving to go to NC on Thursday morning and not returning until Sun (today). But I got a majority of this post done...
Tot School FAQ
I added a new page on my website, entitled Tot School FAQ. I have gotten several emails/comments asking various questions about Tot School and decided to compile it into one...
Tot School
Here's the rest of tot school that you haven't seen this week on the blog yet! :) It was a fun transition week as we eased into our back to...

Minute-by-Minute Tot School
I finally did something I have had as an idea in my head for a long time now. I get asked a lot what our actual tot school time looks...
Tot School
This was settling in week, we arrived home from a 9 day vacation on Monday evening. I have had a hard time getting back in the swing of things-thus no...
Tot School ~ Beach Style
We spent the week at the beach, and head home tomorrow. Funny how Tot-School occurs everywhere, even at the beach...tots are always learning! Here's a few highlights of learning opportunities...
Tot School
We are actually at the beach right now, but I got this done before we left! We had a wonderful week of Tot School, one of our best in awhile,...