Tot School
Alphabet Notebook ~ Tot School
Here are some photos of the ABC notebook we are making for Tot School.We began with the letter Bb, because K had a great interest in B and was already...
Tot School ~ Birthday Boy!!!
I didn't think we did much for Tot School until I looked back through the photos from the week!Here's K working on his K page, we only worked on his...
Tot School ~ Camera Crazy!!!
Yes, I seemed to have my camera by me at ALL times this week, as you will see from my lengthy post, the grandparents will sure love this one!!! It...
As Tot School grows…
It seems a pattern has now formed with Tot School and I wanted to let you in on the scoop in case you like to plan ahead (thank Kysha for...
Tot School
When I get to the weekly reports I am honestly amazed as I reflect back on the week. I so often feel that I don't do enough for my tot...
Tot School
This counts as Tot School, right?At the beginning of the week my husband decided to paint the wall that surrounds our mini (inner-city) yard. I decided it counted for Tot...
Tot School
Tot School began this week with an idea I got from Valerie. I poked holes in a Cheerios box of all different sizes and gave him different types of pasta...
Tot School ~ Busy week!
It was a great week for tot school at our house! I am so excited about the many things K got to experience this week! We began our week with...
Tot School ~ cooking, cutting & chalk
We had a fun tot school week, with our tot school activities falling at strange times of the day. We try to "do" official tot school every morning but last...
Tot School ~ Sick Style
Tot school was done sick-style for us this week. Poor K was puking and running a fever shortly after this first shot was taken...P had selected their miniblocks and K...
Tot School ~ Paint, Shapes, & Dress Up!
It has been a bit of a slow school time for us, with traveling, sicknesses and lots going on in our ministry life. But, we did manage to have some...
Tot School ~ Our Fun Week
We had a fun week with K doing Tot School. I am really loving this purposeful time with him each day and I know he certainly loves it! We began...