At a shopping trip to Lowe’s (of all places) my husband and I found this wonderful,World Map Foam Puzzle… It is listed on Amazon for 29.99 but at Lowe’s it was only 19.99! I LOVE this puzzle, and had been looking for something like this for awhile, who knew I would find it at Lowe’s! It has the countries then listed again at the bottom. And from the picture you can see how big it is. This is wonderful and I just wanted to share in case anyone was looking for something like this and wouldn’t ever know to check Lowe’s! And, as you can see, P thinks it’s great!
Jennifer says
Hi! I found your blog recently… I love it! Thank you for providing so many great ideas for preschoolers. Your boys are adorable. God bless you!
alicia b says
Hey Carisa,
(using this as a quick way to contact you, not a real comment 🙂 )I don’t know if you are familiar with the reading a-z site or learning page website, but here is a great deal if you are looking for free stuff to download-leveled books and worksheets and stuff. anyways, the site is
and I got the link from money saving mom’s site. there is one of their sites open each day this week and you can download everything! Well, I must get back to gathering freebies. Alicia B [email protected]