New Testament Overview…
Sunday night Raising Rock Stars Bible time is still going on, I just haven’t taken time to blog about it since we are using a program and it isn’t mine. I obviously can’t share all of the lessons with you!
We are still using New Testament Overview by Grapevine Studies and loving it! We aren’t able to do a lesson each Sunday evening, but mostly we do. We also continue to read the Bible daily to the kids each morning and are currently in the New Testament. Morning Bible/prayer time still looks very similar to that post, just with the addition of 2 1/2 year old Ladybug who causes a raucous now. Krash is still VERY distractible and is often getting redirected back to obedient behavior. Daddy does his best to engage the kiddos still and they love that. PacMan has graduated from the floor to free seating since he now behaves very maturely for the most part.
For Sunday evening time, all 3 kids get out their lap trays {from Michaels} and their notebook {they each have one now for this study}. I stand at the dry erase board to lead, and now use my iPad with the PDF of the manual loaded into iBooks.
Ladybug gets to work drawing freely and the boys wait for me to lead them through the stick figures.
Krash is now drawing mostly on his own with a bit of Daddy help. I adore 5 year old drawings!!!
PacMan draws on his own and really comprehends the lessons well. He did Old Testament Overview with me when he was in 1st grade and really enjoyed it also.
Visit the Raising Rock Stars Webpage to see more!
I used to host a linky for this, but I am no longer going to since I don’t post for this feature regularly. Feel free to leave family Bible time ideas in the comments!