I am gathering a wide collection of free printables within certain themes. In order to better organize these online, I have created theme blog posts for the themes I have created many printables for! Links to these pages in the top navigational bar labeled “Theme Printables” so you can jump to them easily.
In this post, I will direct you to the page where the file is hosted on my website or blog, since they are in various places! I hope this helps you find things within themes! I will try to gather anything I have done, created, or posted about surrounding this theme. Slowly I am adding more blog posts like this to help you find everything for the major themes we have done and will do.
Angry Birds Kindergarten Printables
Angry Birds Clip & Learn Wheel
Angry Birds 100s Chart Coloring
Angry Birds Sensory & Imagination Bin
Are you on Pinterest?
You can check out my Angry Birds Finds here!
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