I am gathering a wide collection of free printables within certain themes. In order to better organize these online, I have created theme blog posts for the themes I have created many printables for! Links to these pages in the top navigational bar labeled “Theme Printables” so you can jump to them easily.
In this post, I will direct you to the page where the file is hosted on my website or blog, since they are in various places! I hope this helps you find things within themes! I will try to gather anything I have done, created, or posted about surrounding this theme. Slowly I am adding more blog posts like this to help you find everything for the major themes we have done and will do.
Christmas Around the World Calendar Connections
Jesse Tree Calendar Connections, eBook, and ornaments
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 1
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 2
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 3
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 4
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Days 5, 6, & 7
Christmas Learning Fun ~ The End!
~ this is several years old and has not been updated, if you choose to use it, you’ll have to adjust it since the website I originally linked to with info has been taken down. I hope to update this for next year, just didn’t get around to it this year!
Raising Rock Stars Family Nights ~ Christmas Theme
12 Days of Christmas Printables
Christmas Gift Ideas
Are you on Pinterest?
You can check out my Christmas Finds here!
[…] Christmas Theme Printables from 1+1+1=1 – This is a huge list of Christmas ideas including Christmas Around the World, Christmas learning fun activities, notebooks, lapbooks, book and gift ideas. […]