We finished up our learning fun this week, and although I was slack on photographing everything, I did get a good portion! We didn’t get to do everything I had planned, but had fun with what we did do! You can see our 10 Days of Christmas Fun plans here.
One of the best Christmas activities we did, and it wasn’t even in my original plan…making Christmas tree crayons! My mom brought a silicone tree mold and we had the old crayons…
They baked at 250 for about 25 minutes…
Once they cooled, they popped right out and have been good not only for coloring, but also for counting…
and stacking too!
Least impressive of my Christmas ideas…the manger themed sensory bin. I used straw {from Michaels} and added miniature nativity characters {which were tiny ornaments also from Michaels}. I cut the straw some, but not enough and it was big ol mess. Ladybug played for awhile but then pointed to get the other Christmas bin down!
Krash finished up most of the Christmas coloring I had for him…
He didn’t like that the pattern blocks wiggled around ;-), but he did it!
We had a lot of fun sorting the ornaments by different attributes.
We had lots of fun with the trace a tree from Homeschool Creations. Again, the boys loved using their large block and Education Cubes printables.
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 1
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 2
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 3
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 4
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Days 5, 6, & 7
We had tons of fun this year and although we didn’t do everything on our plan, we had loads of fun with what we did do. I stuck to my ATTITUDE over ACTIVITY mindset for the most part and tried my best to be peaceful and graceful attitude with the kiddos.
A special thanks to everyone who created the printables and activities we used throughout our Christmas fun weeks!