We had another great Christmas fun day!! You can see our 10 Days of Christmas Fun plans here, this is Day 3!
Just so you don’t think my kids are always engaged in meaningful, well planned activities, I show you this proof…Yup, I woke up in a bad Mommy-mood and thought it would be best for all parties if we just started our day with a movie. I chose “The Small One” which is a bonus feature on this Mickey Mouse DVD. We have read the book a ton already this season so they all enjoyed it! I personally enjoyed my coffee and the peace and quiet.
We then dove into the sensory bin and within about 20 minutes our neat schoolroom looked like this…
We also did some planned work too! Krash is really enjoying his coloring, which is something Pac Man would have HATED at this age. I LOVE that K loves it!!!!Awhile into his coloring he showed me this…
He had reorganized his entire bin so he could find them all. I was in mommy–is-an-organizational-freak heaven, and oh so proud!!!
He colored a picture of Minnie Mouse to give to Ladybug for Christmas…He was so proud and is SO excited to give it to her. We laminated it and he had me write her name on the back and tae a picture of Ladybug to the back. He is so funny!
He worked on the word stable…
He traced his Christmas letters…
We read J is for Jesus and matched up Candy Cane ABCs…
We made candy cane crafts…On his own, he sorted the beads so he could see them!!
Then completely on his own, made a pattern for one of his, do ya think he was proud?!!?
Ladybug slept most of the afternoon but was a very happy participant when she woke up. She is especially fond of our Christmas books and climbed right up into our red bean bag {how Christmas-ey} and dove into her book on her own. Yup, she melts my heart.
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 1
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 2
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 3 {this post}
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 4
Christmas Learning Fun ~ Day 5, 6, & 7
See more Christmas Fun Ideas…