I have had “create continent boxes” on my to-do list for over a year! Finally I am getting started! I started with Europe since the Olympics are in London, and since our next Little Passports country is France! You always get some little things with each Little Passports month, which I will add to the continent box! These are works in progress, I even have a wishlist of books and things I want to add to this and other boxes! We will use these boxes for years and years!
I have no real plan with these, just a fun way to expose my kids to cultures, countries, and world geography in general. Here’s a post from one of my favorite blogs all about continent boxes.
For now, I have our Europe set up like this {see photo below}. I have a large foam floor puzzle and I pulled out just the Europe part, I also have a large puzzle of Europe, and the board of Europe from Where in the World {I added the cards into the box}. Our Little Passports map hangs on the wall close by too!
I bought my boxes from Walmart, in 2 different sizes {small 6.7qt, large 12.7qt} knowing I would need bigger ones for continents with more stuff! I made simple labels that color-coordinate with Montessori geography colors. This box is the smaller of the 2 sizes I bought. Eventually I may have to upgrade to all large, but for now this one works!
What’s Inside?
MANY materials from Montessori Print Shop! Thankfully I was given their bundle to review last year, I have had many of the country printables printed for many, many months, just now getting around to cutting and laminating! Specifically I am using the Europe Geography Folder {I made ours as a book in sheet protectors}, European Animals, European Landmarks, & European Instruments. Be sure to read to the end for a giveaway!
For the 3 part cards, I decided to save laminating and cutting time and mounted mine in file folders. I laminated the matching images and words so the kids can just lay them on top of the file folder. I used tape for this one, but it’s ugly, so I might do something different with my next country. I just know my kids won’t use these tons, so I didn’t want to waste lots of time cutting and laminating!
I searched online to find a map that was colorful and labeled, to print and laminate for the box, my favorite ended up being this one. On the back side, I added an alphabetical listing of all of the countries in Europe {I created this and you can download the PDF file in the Europe section on my new Continent Boxes webpage}.
There is a blank alphabetical European countries printable, as a little challenge for PacMan and me! I also found a blank map that we can color in together, it is from here. I copied it and added my own text in Publisher {I can’t share since the map is not mine}
Continent Kids Coloring for Europe {free download on the Continent Boxes webpage}…
Here you can see us exploring together, there’s no real plan. The kids can explore the box on their own, and I also am taking time to explore together.
You can download printables and see more on our Continent Boxes webpage!
Target Dollar Spot Geography Supplies {get ‘em when you can!}
World Facts & Landmarks Flashcards {Rand McNally}
Geography Units Europe {Evan Moor eBook}
Obviously apps aren’t for the box, but more for extending the learning outside of the box! Here’s our favorite European geography app! They have a lite version too.
Sheppard Software is our favorite for geography fun online. Here’s the Europe section…
Here’s another fun Europe game online…
Visit my Pinterest boards for even more ideas!