Recently we shared about our new Kindergarten Literature Units and our first set of printables for “Hi! Pizza Man!” We completed this unit in our home and today we want to share our fun with you! This unit ended up being more fun than I realized it would be, she absolutely loved it! I am so thankful God led my heart in this direction for her! Our Hi! Pizza Man Kindergarten Literature Unit was a blast!
I love setting up a central area for our theme focus and my daughter loves it too. I gather our toys and books together and display them the night before we begin our unit. It helps to draw her in and get her excited about our learning time together. I borrow books from the library and also toys from friends to enrich our learning. I gather toys from around the house too {well, actually I send my older boys on a hunt to find things for me}. You can see some suggestions for what to gather, borrow or buy for this unit here!
The full set-up…
I divided up our activities into 5 hanging folders, they are behind our You Can Read unit in this basket. I follow a very loose lesson plan and shift things around as needed or desired. I do not stress out at all about what does or does not get done each day. We just have fun together and learn as we go!
I tried something new by taking small video clips for you throughout our unit. Let me know if these are helpful to you. After speaking and meeting readers at the Teach Them Diligently Conventions I began thinking of more ways I could help people and videos came to my mind.
We spread this unit over 2 1/2 weeks, for 6 days total. We are in a lighter school mode right now so I was in no rush. I divided this post into days so you could see what we did on each day.
Day One
The set up drew her right in and she loved it! She was playing and reading her books within seconds!
After I let her explore on her own for awhile, we read the book together. We pulled out the animals we have and added them to the story!
We worked on the 3 part animal cards next, in our small pocket chart!
Pizza patterns were a hit, she is very into patterns right now!
She loved the pizza sticker book I got for her. One side is hers and one is mine. Can you guess who the picky one is?
Cutting out pictures and gluing the words that begin with P onto the pizza.
Here she is reading her completed Letter P words…
She loved the Kind Words ~ Rude Words activity a lot. She has struggled with using polite words with people in the past but is much better now.
Here’s a small video clip of us doing this activity.
Day Two
Our day began with her entering the schoolroom after fixing her own hair. I asked if she wanted help with her headband and of course the answer was no. I’m kinda glad she said no, I like this look on her.
She came in and began playing with her pizza stuff, pretending to eat it and bringing me pizza of course.
We read the story together and then did our story sequencing activity, which she LOVED!
Here’s a video of us doing this activity together, You’ll notice in it she asks me if we can tape it together, I had not planned on that but followed her lead! You can see the finished product below in a photo!
She turned the Make a Pizza craft into a big ordeal. She divided it up into 4 parts and let all of us choose what we wanted on our piece. We wrote our initial on what we ordered and she got busy.
Here’s a video of portions of the process…
The finished pieces…{my poor son has poison ivy}
Graphing the pizza toppings…
Day Three
Day 3 began with reading the book again, but this time she read it to me! After the first two pages she said she wanted to read it herself!
After reading we just played pizza together. The puppies came to the pizzeria and chose their toppings.
We used the whole, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 parts from our pizza fraction game.
Rhyming words…
Here’s a video clip of us working on rhyming words…
We talked again about the character connection and how it related to this Bible verse. We focused on using gentle words with others and role played a bit with this. Then she illustrated the verse and wrote the word gentle.
Here’s her final version…
We got back out our graph from day 2 and recorded the results. She wrote all of the numbers by herself!
We also got out our pizza patterns from day 1 and glued a pattern down onto the long strip.
Day Four
{this is week 2 of this unit, we did 3 days the first week}
We took advantage of beautiful weather and packed our school bags and headed up to our second story deck for a couple of hours one morning. My oldest son was there and so was my camera and he captured these shots of Ladybug and me reading together.
She made another pizza {she really likes cutting, gluing and pizza crafts}.
We did our comprehension questions up on the deck. She chose the questions out of the bag and I read them to her.
Here’s a video of her answering the last one she pulled out.
Day Five
{this is week 3 of our unit, we traveled over the end of week 2 so finished up the following week}
We matched animals to their names and sounds…
She called people and asked everyone in our house what their favorite pizza topping was for her graph. She really enjoyed this and got to practice her phone skills too. She even called Miss Yo {Jolanthe from Homeschool Creations}.
Here’s a video of her calling to ask my mom…
She wrote about her favorite animal in the story, with me spelling for her this time.
What would a pizza unit be without making PIZZA? She made us all lunch and was so very excited about it!
A little reading while it cooked…
Day 6
We were technically done with our unit but she wanted to color pizzas, so I scaled down our Pizza coloring printables and made her a coloring book!
All of our work from this unit! She had so much fun and we made great memories together!
See our printables for this unit here