1st Grade
Sequence ~ States & Capitals
Pac-Man got this awesome game...SEQUENCE States & Capitals, for Christmas from yours truly. I wasn't sure he would *get it* but he knew the general concept of Sequence, so I...
Story of the World 1 ~ Cuneiform
We are moving along with our The Story of the World course and Pac-Man continues to love it. We don't do much with the extensions, given our present life circumstances,...
In love with reading!
Pac-Man has never been a boy who truly loves reading, however I think he may have turned a corner!!!! My friend Shannon suggested the Henry and Mudge books for him...
The Story of the World
We began using The Story of the World (volume 1) today! I am not too thrilled with Calvert's Social Studies program so I began researching something to supplement and found...
Addition Flash Cards
When I can't find what I am looking for on the web, I usually just make it! That's what I did tonight and I added them to my website in...
I’m Back!!!!
I wanted to wait a day to write this so I could be a bit more sure, but I do believe I can officially say I am on the mend!!!!...
Piano Lessons!
We finally started piano lessons! I have been meaning to get serious about the lessons for about a year now and I finally researched and chose our books and we...
In the Works ~ Backyard Birds Lapbook
We began our Backyard Birds lap/notebook and we're loving it! I let Pac-Man choose the birds we will study, with only 1 stipulation-he has to have seen one in either...
OK, so I knew it was coming but it has caught me off guard a bit. I have known from the beginning that Calvert introduces cursive (Calvert Script they call...
Whales & Dolphins ~ Lapbook
We had big plans this summer to do a few ocean themed lapbooks...but we only ended up with one. We're OK with that though because that means we were too...
2nd Day…
Here's how we feel about our 2nd day... Yes, we're all smiling!!! It was one of those *hope for the best* days and it was the best! Literally NO whining,...
Our 1st Day…officially!
Today was the day. I was prepared. Because I was prepared I can say the day was a success. We successfully had crying, complaining, throwing, time-outs, and a little bit...