1st Grade
Science IS Fun!
We have added something new to my daughter’s 1st grade curriculum thanks to an awesome book we were sent to review! I loved Asia’s first book, which we shared here...
Daily Work Grid ~ A Visual Schoolwork Plan for Homeschoolers
This idea has been brewing in my mind for years, I just never took the time to create it until now. It is similar to methods we have used...
Exploring 3 Dimensional Shapes with Spielgaben
Playful Learning with Spielgaben is our monthly post sharing Spielgaben in action! If you missed the introduction to this series, you can see it here. We were given the Spielgaben...
Owl Unit Study and Lapbook
After our bat lapbook she told me she didn’t like lapbooks. As you will see in this post, she changed her mind. She requested to make a lapbook and loved...
Her First Week of 1st Grade Homeschool
1st graders are old. I used to teach Kindergarten and I would always glance across the hall and think the 1st grades seemed so old to me. I cannot believe...
Exploring Bats ~ Bats Lapbook and Unit Study
This summer we are trying out a few unit study options for Ladybug and Lapbooks were something I wanted to try with her. I let her choose her first topic,...

1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
My daughter is 6 and going into 1st grade this year. Below are the 1st grade homeschool curriculum choices we have made for Ladybug! Curious to see what she did...

USA Geography Homeschool Plan ~ Elementary
I didn’t focus on USA geography for the past couple of years, but we did intensely when PacMan was younger. It’s time to bring it back as Ladybug goes into...
Home Art Studio ~ Impressionistic Painting
We have been using Home Art Studio for a long time now. You can see all of the projects I have blogged about here! Home Art Studio sent us curriculum...

Try-It Sheet and Basic Writing Checklist for Young Writers
I have been busy creating many writing tools for my daughter, and sharing them with you! I have been using a Try-It sheet with all three of my kids...

Choose Your Own Alphabet Chart Printable
Are you looking for a free printable alphabet chart for your preschool or Kindergarten student who is learning proper letter formation? Below you will find several printable alphabet charts to...

Choose Your Own Writing Paper Printable Pack
Want a variety of choices for writing paper for your young kids? All in ONE place? I have put together a set of many different options that hopefully will help...