Look Who Joined Us…
Yesterday was the first time I had ever "sat" K at the school table with us! We usually keep things separate and do most of our table school during his...
Tot School ~ Music Time!
My boys love music, I do too, but honestly sometimes I can't handle their idea of music (LOUD). But I am a believer in music, I even taught a toddler...
The School Room, part 2
I got a few questions from readers, wanting to know more about my schoolroom! So, for those of you who like to know details (I'm one of those too) here...
Tot School ~ ABC Floor Puzzle
After my post about Tot School last week, we have totally switched our daily schedule around to be sure to give K some focused "Tot School" time each day. I...
Tot School
Yesterday, P and I got into a conversation about my youngest, K, going to preschool. I told him we will be keeping K at home and we will homeschool him...
Non Stop Learning…
I read a wonderful post over at Jamin's blog yesterday, about creating a learning rich environment. I couldn't agree with her more. Even though I have only been homeschooling for...
Family Learning
We finally made it back to school today! P was feeling better this morning, and although his fever did come back around lunchtime, it quickly went away and about an...
Wooden Name Puzzle
So, we attempted school today, with very little success. I am waiting on a call back from the doc, as my son is back on the couch with his fever...