Tot School-Pregnant Mommy Style
Tot School began wonderfully, BEFORE I began feeling sick. We got one whole activity in... Thankfully it was a fun one. We got out the big ABC floor puzzle and...
Tot School
I got out the lacing beads for K early in the week. He won't lace for long but at least he will attempt it now! This day we mostly talked...
Handy Manny ~ Tot Book
I got Handy Manny done! K really likes Handy Manny so I went ahead and got this one done. The votes are now reset on the Tot Books main page,...
Tot School
Krash seemed to really *grow up* this week. I feel like my baby boy has sort of disappeared into this little talking, questioning, explaining, understanding-grown up little tot. He's still...
Tot School ~ Grandparent Style
Both of my boys spent the week down in NC with both sets of grandparents. I stayed home and cleaned my house, my husband went on a mission trip to...
Noah’s Ark Tot Book
I finished the Noah's Ark Tot Book! It got the highest number of votes on the site so I worked on it first! My boys(husband too) are gone this week-staying...
Tot School
We had a short Tot School week leaving to go to NC on Thursday morning and not returning until Sun (today). But I got a majority of this post done...
Tot School FAQ
I added a new page on my website, entitled Tot School FAQ. I have gotten several emails/comments asking various questions about Tot School and decided to compile it into one...
Our 1st Day…officially!
Today was the day. I was prepared. Because I was prepared I can say the day was a success. We successfully had crying, complaining, throwing, time-outs, and a little bit...
Tot School
Here's the rest of tot school that you haven't seen this week on the blog yet! :) It was a fun transition week as we eased into our back to...
Minute-by-Minute Tot School
I finally did something I have had as an idea in my head for a long time now. I get asked a lot what our actual tot school time looks...
New Tot Books!
I got 2 of the new Tot Books up on the site! We aren't using these personally, yet, but I made them up so I could take photos! If you...