Tot School ~ BIG Brother!!!!
~Krash is currently 34 months old~We are SO happy to say that Krash is THRILLED with his new sister!!! We weren't sure how he would react, but he has blown...
We did…
Tot School today!!! I know it's far too early for my official Tot School report, but I was so excited to share that we actually had a normal Tot School...
Tot School ~ What’s That???
~Krash is currently 34 months old~This week I win the all time worst Tot School week ever award. My mom arrived last weekend to stay for the week and help...
Brown Bear, Brown Bear ~ Tot Pack
This pack has been updated with new clipart and photographs! See the new files here! I finally finished it and this one I am SO excited about because it is...
Tot School ~ Barely
~Krash is currently 34 months old~Tot School was pretty non-existent this week, except for the fun times K had with others! Thankfully Pac stepped in for me and the camera...
The Very Hungry Caterpillar ~ Tot Pack
My pain is your gain!!!! That's my new motto during these last painful weeks of my pregnancy! I was laughing with my husband last night about it, thinking you all...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 34 months old~We had an on and off week of Tot School, which is how I expect it will be for the next couple of months. Our...
Tot Tray Ideas from Target…
I managed to make it to Target the other day (which was HUGE for me because I am really struggling with pain as my pregnancy comes to an end-I rarely...
A New Twist on the Tot Book
As most of you know, we have a lot of Tot Books available for download and I still love making them. Unfortunately, my tot does not LOVE them as much...
Tot School ~ Sick Week
~Krash is currently 34 months old~Not much Tot-Schooling in our house this past week..we got hit hard with the sickies! We watched tons of movies, read lots of books, and...
Tot School ~ 1/2 a week
~Krash is currently 33 months old~It was a short week for us. It seems SO many of us (online friends) are battling illness right now-it stinks! Pac Man got it...
Activity Pack ~ The Land Before Time
**Edited to Add: Here is the link to the cards in PDF form! I have been really sick, sorry it took me a few days to get them up! Both...