Tot School
~Krash is currently 37.5 months old~Tot School is in full swing again, and we are enjoying it! I decided to divide this post into categories of our learning instead of...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 37 months old~We got off to a great start with Tot School and then Tot School just became Life School-which is equally as good! Here's a shot...
New Tot School Forms
I have gotten lots of emails in response to my Behind the Scenes post about Tot School Tools-requesting the forms I shared that I use to assess skills I am...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 36.5 months old~I didn't get many action shots of Krash working this week, but we had lots of Tot school fun! I think I am just going...
Summer Plans
As May comes to a close I am anticipating the summer months and wondering exactly what we will do for schooling. We have had such an OFF year and Pac...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 36 months old~I am happy to say we are slightly falling into a new normal and it feels great. Thanks for the kind words and prayers from...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 36 months old~Krash had a great week this past week! We are still struggling with the schedule transition but we're getting by!He worked on his new file...
Behind the Scenes ~ Transitioning from Tot School
Krash has recently turned 3, which means it is time to begin the slow transition from child-led Tot School to Mommy-led school. This is not an easy transition and one...
Tot School ~ Birthday Boy!!!!
~Krash is currently 36 months old~We had a pretty normal Tot School week, although we are still adjusting to our *new normal.* Krash enjoyed Tot School more this week, although...
Tot School ~ Finally Back!
~Krash is currently 35 months old~We had a fairly normal week! I won't say it was wasn't. We had some adjustment issues and I am sure we will next...
Look…we’re back!
We actually did school...the real way! We even jazzed it up a bit by working outside for about 30 minutes this morning!!! It felt SO good to be teaching my...
Tot School ~ Almost back to normal…
~Krash is currently 34 months old~This is our last *week off* and we hope to transition back into school next week! This week it was all about loving on Ladybug,...