Tools for Tots ~ Ping Pong Balls
On a whim a few months ago, I ordered a bulk set of Ping Pong Balls. I had a few ideas for them, so I ordered 144 just to be...
Behind the Scenes ~ Tot School Tools
For the first in this series I am going to address the collection, storage, and usage of the many Tot School items we have and use at our house. Questions...
Tot School ~ well, not really…
~Krash is currently 31 months old~ There was no Tot Schooling at our house this week, we extended our Christmas celebrations!!! My husband's family arrived on Dec 31 and stayed...
Tot School ~ Christmas Fun!
~Krash is currently 31 months old~Christmas was loads of fun at our house and thankfully both boys handled the overload very well. We were joined by my parents who visited...
Tot School
~Krash is currently 31 months old~ Our week began with a request for some hammering. K needs some work on his colors still, so we brought out our foam ABC...
Tot School ~ We’re Finally Home!
~Krash is currently 31 months old~We finished up our week in NC, and formal Tot School has yet to occur but here is an account of K's fun filled week!We...
Tot School ~ (still) in NC
~Krash is currently 31 months old~Tot School has consisted mostly of things like this for Krash...Playing outside...Doing fun things like visiting Santa...And seeing great friends (and LOVING their cool toys)...K's...
Christmas Tot Book
The Christmas Tot Book is up and ready for you to share with your tot! I hope you all enjoy it, it was fun making it! There are additions to...
Tot School ~ in NC
Not much Tot school action for Krash this week, but tons of family action as we have been down in NC since Wednesday. He and Pac-Man will remain down here...
Tot School
We began the week trying something new (well, old actually but we got away form the idea). I put out our bins on the kitchen table, each with a different...
Tools for Tots ~ Song Notebook
Krash loves to sing, and he loves our box of instruments and finger puppets that we use with our songs. The only problem is...I don't remember all of our songs...
Word World ~ Tot Book
I finally got the photos up on the Tot Book site for the new Word World Tot Book! If you have a child who is a can download the...