Easter ~ Lapbook
I wasn't even sure we would finish before Easter but we got it together today and I am so glad we will have a few days to look through it...
Sponsored Child ~ Lapbook
It's finished! I have to say this has been BY FAR my favorite lapbook ever. It has been such a joy to learn alongside my son. This topic was near...
Weather ~ Lapbook
We finished our lapbook on weather awhile ago, I am just getting around to the final photo/link post! I never did get a photo of the back, but it is...
Money ~ Lapbook
We finished our money lapbook today! Tonight for homework, P will be reviewing it all with Daddy, it will be great practice to reinforce the skills we learned! Here are...
Giant Pandas ~ Lapbook
It's finished! This was such a fun lapbook to do since P was SOOOO into it! He learned so much and so did I! We did a little KWL mini...
Happy Birthday ~ Lapbook
P made his Nanee a lapbook for her birthday! We took it home to her over Thanksgiving (they live about 10 hours from us) and she loved it! Top Left:...
Volcanoes ~ Lapbook
We finished our volcano lapbook! My son absolutely LOVED learning about volcanoes! We both learned a lot! Here's our finished lapbook...The Front...Middle flap... (when folded down)Geysers and Lava Flows (game...
How I do it…
I am a chart/list obsessed momma. I have charts for everything. No, my life is not in super control, I do that because it feels so crazy and out of...
Fruit of the Spirit ~ Lapbook
We completed our Fruit of the Spirit lapbook today! It was a really fun unit, P and I both enjoyed it! We got everything from Danielle's Place for this lapbook,...
Fall Time ~ Lapbook
It's finished! We were finally able to do our leaf rubbings for the cover today, it has been raining here for days and the leaves were too wet! God brought...
Pumpkins ~ Lapbook
Our first Little Laplinks post! I visit Little Blots of Faith often and this has inspired me to get busy sharing some of our stuff. I used to teach Kindergarten...