Frog Unit Study and Lapbook
After our bat lapbook and our owl lapbook, she requested a frog Lapbook! She has decided she really likes making Lapbooks now! We got our printables & ideas from: Frog...
Owl Unit Study and Lapbook
After our bat lapbook she told me she didn’t like lapbooks. As you will see in this post, she changed her mind. She requested to make a lapbook and loved...
Exploring Bats ~ Bats Lapbook and Unit Study
This summer we are trying out a few unit study options for Ladybug and Lapbooks were something I wanted to try with her. I let her choose her first topic,...
Lapbooks ~ Dinosaurs
Pac Man completed his dinosaur Lapbook recently, he did it along side of Krash’s Dino Tot Pack. It was fun to teach him, and learn alongside of him! We used...
Manatee Lapbook
Pac-Man recently finished his final 1st grade lapbook, all about Manatees! I personally was thrilled with his choice as manatees were my favorite animal as a child and teen, I...

Behind the Scenes ~ Lapbooking
I am by no means a super-lapbooker, there are many out there and I have learned a TON from them! But I do get a lot of questions regarding lapbooking...
Whales & Dolphins ~ Lapbook
We had big plans this summer to do a few ocean themed lapbooks...but we only ended up with one. We're OK with that though because that means we were too...
Human Body ~ Lapbook
Better late than never!!! We FINALLY finished our gigantic human body lapbook!!! I honestly forgot about it until last week when I saw it in our drawer!! I knew we...
A House For Hermit Crab ~ Lapbook
We used the great ideas from Homeschool Share's, A House for Hermit Crab lapbook. Over on the right in the orange book, we put all of the animal info pages...
Flowers & Plants ~ Lapbook
We finally put together our flowers and plants lapbook, this one really drug out for us! We did a lot, but didn't get to much of what I had planned,...

Rainbows ~ Lapbook
Our rainbow lapbook is complete! Cover: Rainbow Coloring SheetInside: Top Left: Rainbow Snack recipe book Top Right: Noah's Ark mini book Top Middle: Spring Colors Book Middle Left/Right: A Rainbow...
USA ~ Lapbook
We actually finished this awhile ago, but I just realized I never posted the final photos! So, here is our completed USA lapbook (along with a couple of final in...