Letter Kk

Letter K Learning in Action
I am teaching young children again! Not my own children this time, but the children of a very good friend. See our original post about this new adventure here. Each week I plan...

Letter K Printables, Books, & More
I am teaching young children again! Not my own children this time, but the children of a very good friend. See our original post about this new adventure here. One of...
Finish the Picture ~ Trace and Draw G, H, I, J K and L
Finish the Picture Drawing Printables are a fun and simple way to encourage creativity in drawing with a bit of support by providing a traceable outline to get a child...
Drawing Tutorial Printables G through L
We have a new set of Let’s Draw A-Z Printables for you! Letters G, H, I, J, K and L are free to download here and other free sets will...
Animal Alphabet Coloring Pages Letters G-L
We have a new set of Animal Alphabet Coloring Printables for you! Letters G through L are free to download here and other free sets will be coming. if you...
Bible Verse Printables Letter K
Our Raising Lil’ Rock Stars Bible Verse Printables for the Letter K are available to download for free! K is for Kind! This set is based on Ephesians 4:32, “Be...
Preschool at Home ~ Letter K
Each week I will share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it...
Theme Printables K-O
Other Posts in this Series… Theme Printables A-E Theme Printables F-J Theme Printables P-T Theme Printables U-Z I wrote about my views on using themes with young kids, and there...
Tot School ~ Letter K
~Ladybug is currently 36.5 months old~ The items are all available here on the Animal ABCs webpage. {files are released for free when they are posted on the Totally Tots...
Tot School ~ Letter Kk {part 2}
~Ladybug is currently 26 months old~ See Part 1 of Letter K here! We took two weeks to complete this unit! Letter: Kk Object: Keys Vocabulary Development Theme: Household Objects...

Tot School ~ Letter Kk
~Ladybug is currently 26 months old~ Letter: Kk Object: Keys Vocabulary Development Theme: Household Objects You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage....

Raising Rock Stars Preschool ~ Letter Kk
This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week,...