I have been working on the USA Geography PowerPoint for a long time now. I am very pleased to say, it is finished! When I began, I didn’t realize how much work it would entail to get the whole show completed, but months later-I am finally done. Thanks to a retreat I went away on, and having to sit outside of Ladybug’s room while she napped-I found the time to finish it!
The show is located in the Members Only PowerPoint section of my website. If you are already a member-you can now access all of the states, if you are not a member yet, you can join here!
You can read my first post introducing the USA Geography PowerPoint here, you can see all of my geography posts here.
If you want to see the USA show in action, you can watch this brief video here showing it in action with my boys. Please forgive the shaky camera action, it is really hard to tape myself while working with them ;-), I need another person to follow me around!
I hope this resource will be a simple way for us to help our children master basic US Geography-capitals, abbreviations, and location of all states! I am relearning a lot too!