~Ladybug is currently 29.5 months old~
Letter: Rr
Object: Rainforest
Vocabulary Development Theme: Rainforest
You can find the printables for this unit here on the Tot School Printables webpage.
Much of her work was displayed in our pocket chart for her {and Krash} to choose from. The nomenclature cards on the bottom are from Montessori Print Shop.
Here’s a peek at some of the Letter Rr activities she wanted to do{and I managed to snap photos of}.
Dot painting as K “showed her where the letters were!
Coloring her letter Rr words, again with Krash!
Using the lacing card as a magnet tool…
Finding the rainforest animals I call out, using her cookie sheet and magnetic pom poms…
Fun Books & Toys for this unit here!
On her shelves…
top left {basket} rainforest animals and books
top right…Betty Lukens Safari Felt Set {wish we had the rainforest one, but this was the closest we had!}
top middle…fishing ABCs from Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit
top right…Melissa & Doug Cookies
bottom middle…Color Magnetic Book {this must be old, I could only find it online here}
bottom right…wooden dominoes {cannot find them online, they are “Learningsmith Classics”}
trays: Rr Rainforest work {changed throughout the week as she completed activities}
She worked with the color book my mom got her at a recent consignment sale…
Our main school bins are always available, and come down a lot. I move things around to inspire “choices” and sometimes will lay a bin out to encourage play. This day I had set out the stacking pegs and she went right to building!
We played SO much, but I hardly took any photos during play time!
The Rainforest Sensory Bin was out every day and we used the contents to work on various activities.
Ladybug has become quite the artist this past week, drawing little faces everywhere!
One day I showed her how to draw a stick person, and she copied me! Hers is on the left and she then added to my example on the right!Our great friend was over one night and she drew him! I think it looks just like him!
She also explored finger paint, be sure to see the post if you’d like to see more!
We have a few friends come over once a week for a play date. What a wonderful time of learning this is for Ladybug. On the right, she was waiting for an apology from the sweet little boy who accidentally hit her with the trike. I love her face!
Little Miss learned how to drink out of a water bottle without spilling and was quite proud of herself. She is also pretty proud of her Daddy.