~Ladybug is currently 35.5 months old~
Here is her desk set up for letter H…
She always loves the littler animals on her desk each week.
The items in the pocket chart are all available here on the Animal ABCs webpage. I added hippos on her desk, and her Hide and Seek Hippo book, which she loved! {files are released for free when they are posted on the Totally Tots blog for the ABC feature, letter G is not free yet, but it will be once it is posted on Totally Tots!}.
Here are some Letter H and Hippo ideas for you…
She did very little tracing this week in her dry erase notebook. Totally fine by me, it’s her choice each week. She did enjoy pulling out her old sheets and wanted to color the dolphin!
She has a big 3” binder under her desk that has all of the old units, so she can look through them and redo any she chooses!
Here she is working on Letter H Dot Fun, we used dot stickers this time! This set is included in the Animal ABC Bundle, or you can purchase the set as a stand alone set for $1.25 on Teacher’s Notebook.
She worked with me to make the letter craft, which is basically an open ended project that you can do whatever you want with! Last week she painted the letter H with “snow paint” I lost all of my photos from that day sadly. This week she glued on her hippos all by herself.
She is REALLY loving white glue!
We did a few simple hippo crafts from my Hippo Theme Pinterest board. First, a paper bag puppet hippo, she loved this one!
We colored a heart hippo together…
Special Note: Please read my post about Following the Child’s Lead if you have a tot and need info about this. All tots are different and what Ladybug is doing may not be appropriate for your child, even if s/he is the same age!
We are taking our All About Reading Pre Level 1 lessons slowly. I am not expecting mastery from Ladybug, just using this program as a way to expose her to the Big Five Skills.
This week we did lesson 8, continuing our work with rhyming words. No photos of that part this week! We played a LOT with Ziggy {the puppet}, she was so into the lesson thanks to him!
She loved the letter page this week! She colored the H brown first {her choice},
then I let her use blue glitter to color the water!
She barely played with the toys on her shelves this week! Amazing how her interests change from week to week! Here she is sorting shapes…
We had some Easter activities out, including our Easter {junk} Sensory Bin. She played in it a LOT! She loved making an egg sticker collage…
She didn’t play the actual game, but had a great time “playing” her own version of the Easter game…
Her MOST favorite…definitely the Resurrection Eggs! We spent time as a family on Good Friday evening going through them all and having a little “Jesus Easter Egg Hunt” as the kids call it.
The girl loves the iPad! Here she was playing Park Math, Feed the Hippo…
Loving Toca Store with her brother…
See all of our iPad app recommendations and other iPad info here!
Our sweet kitty, Izabella is still hanging in there. I wrote more about what’s going on here on my Facebook page. Ladybug loves this little kitty, and even if she isn’t with us much longer, I will cherish the time with her. Seeing Ladybug be so gentle with her is heartwarming. She even covers her with her special blankee.
More Tot School Links…
- Tot School 2011/2012 Blog Roll
- Behind the Scenes ~ Where Do I Begin with Tot School?
- Tot School Webpage {including links of all participants}
- How do I Link up to Tot School? Please be sure to read this BEFORE you link up for the first time!!! If your blog is not linked back here to Tot School {within your post, not just on your sidebar}, and/or your post is not specifically a Tot School post, your link will be deleted to help Tot School surfing moms. If your link was deleted, please email if you don’t know why.
Please put your tot’s age (in months) after it, like this: 1+1+1=1 (41 mos)
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