I have gotten a few questions lately revolving around Tot School, and since it is a holiday week, I thought I would use the weekly post to answer them for you!
What will Ladybug be doing when she finishes Animals ABCs?
Ladybug is completing the last 2 units of Animal ABCs in December and will be ready to move on after the holiday season. She will be starting Raising Rock Stars Preschool as soon as holiday visitors settle and we get back into our routine in January.
I will be doing RRSP a tad bit different than I did with Krash, since her fine motor skills are more advanced than his were at this age. I created RRSP and the letter order in honor of Krash needing to learn to write letters in the simplest way possible {using the method of straight lines first, then diagonal, then curved}. Since Ladybug can already write most letters on her own, I am going to go in ABC order with her. I am redoing the PowerPoint shows in a very basic fashion, to put the numbers in the correct order. This will throw off the color of the week a bit, but it was just too much work to change that! One of the reasons I am going to go in ABC order with her is to go along with the 2nd half of All About Reading Pre Level 1, which goes through the lowercase letters in order. She did the upper case letters in AAR along with Animal ABCs, so doing the lowercase with RRSP will work out great for us! I also created a new set of lowercase Animal ABCs which we will be using also. These will release soon for all of you too!
We will be using many supplemental activities and printables for each letter, as I did with Krash. I am putting together Pinterest boards for each RRSP unit, and pinning all blog posts of anyone who has one featuring RRSP units! You can see letter Aa here. I also have new boards for general letter ideas, which I will be using to pull ideas for Ladybug!
I got most of the posts that are pinned from those of you who linked up, but also did a Google search and found a few more. If you have RRSP featured on your blog, let me know so I can pin your posts!
Will the Tot School linky continue here after Ladybug isn’t a “tot” anymore?
Yes! I have a plan for the weekly linky that will feature participants who link up each week! The idea has been in progress for a long time behind the scenes, and will be unveiled in January when Ladybug’s posts become the weekly RRSP posts. Tot School is officially through age 4, but since Ladybug is beginning RRSP, I am going to begin doing a weekly RRSP post for her to document her home preschool journey.
I finally updated the Tot School webpage, hopefully it is more user friendly for all of you and new visitors!
Ladybug’s week on Instagram {I am using Printsgram to make the layout for the week!}
We are 1plus1plus1 on Instagram, follow us here!
New to linking up here? Read this first! Basics: write a specific post about what you did with your tot, link up the permalink from your post, link back to Tot School within that post, put your tot’s age in months in ( ) like this: (43 months).