It wasn’t well thought out, it wasn’t planned ahead, it was a spur of the moment idea that turned into a super fun time for my girl. Seriously I am usually the bath mom who just tries to get it DONE as quickly as possible, I don’t really like bath time. But, the idea hit me so I went with it, instead of doing my normal hurry up routine.
It went something like this…
“Hey L, we’re going to take a bath now.”
{whine, whine, whine}
I think quickly and notice our winter sensory bin,
“Hey, we could choose some things from your bin that could go in the bath and add some white shaving cream and have a winter bath!”
{suddenly the bath isn’t such a bad idea and she gets excited}
We grabbed ping pong balls and a small snowman and headed upstairs. As we were getting ready she asked for her ABCs so we spelled out the word WINTER at her request {I suggested SNOW, she didn’t want that word}.
I added bubbles and then we threw in the ping pong balls which were “snowballs.” I added some white shaving cream into a little plastic container to be our snow drift and the fun kept going!
We hid snowballs, counted them, even had a snow ball fight {bouncing them against the wall}! We searched for the WINTER letters and made the word a few times. Overall, what was a spur of the moment idea turned into a load of warm winter bath fun that she has already asked to do again.
Now, if I can just muster up the good-mommy in me and actually do it again, that’d be great! I posted this on Instagram the night we did this and got this reply “Seriously, I think your a bit too much fun sometimes 😉 what a lifetime of memories your creating for your three!!!”
While I appreciate that I appear to be so much fun, it made me realize the importance in telling my readers that I do not always do things like this, in fact I routinely avoid certain “fun” activities like the plague. I too am inspired by moms who are fun and creative in areas that I am NOT {have you seen the adorable blog, Bath Activities for Kids?}.
Always remember, I struggle with yelling at my kids, I have anxiety issues that inspire me to check-out at times, I am extremely challenged by one of my children in particular, and I am not super-mom by any stretch. I am most certainly not always the FUN mom. I do my best and am extremely real ~ just like you! I just have a blog with nice photos of the things I do with my kids. Don’t ever let that fool you into thinking that my entire life looks like the photos on my blog, OK?
Are you a fun bath mom, or a hurry-up-and-get-it-DONE bath mom like me?