The following is a guest post written by David Nunnery, for Teach Them Diligently. Although I will be unable to attend any of the 2013 conventions, I am honored to have them as a blog sponsor and am excited to spread the word about this amazing opportunity. If you live close to one of the venues {Spartanburg, SC; Nashville, TN; and Omaha, NE}, I pray you will have the opportunity to attend! The focus of missions is obviously near to my heart, what a wonderful way to combine so many aspects of parenting, Christian faith and homeschooling all into one convention!
The Teach Them Diligently Convention was born out of a recognized need for more events celebrating the focus of Christian Homeschool Families—which is to disciple their children to glorify God. The organizers of this Convention are also officers of Worldwide Tentmakers which is a Mission Agency focused on Tentmaking as a missions strategy as you would find in Acts 18. Therefore, Missions, discipleship, and parenting will be a large focus for the Teach Them Diligently Convention. This will be added to the normal Homeschool Convention focus on teaching techniques and use of curriculum.
Second, all of the profits for the Teach Them Diligently Convention will go to missions. It is our hope to help parents infuse their educational programs with a Great Commission focus. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31). We desire to focus parents and children on the fact that we should be seeking opportunities to spread the fame of our Lord Jesus Christ whether through school, playing sports, or running the family business.
Certainly, families attend Homeschool Conventions to learn and buy new educational products and to hear speakers and attend workshops. Another driving motivation is camaraderie. I know this is true with my wife and myself. After spending vast amounts of time with people in churches and larger family outings where there are few homeschoolers around, there is this underlying feeling that your focus and parenting do not match those around you. Then at a Convention, a mom or dad or child is suddenly surrounded with several thousand homeschool families. By further specifying that this is a Christian Homeschool Convention in which the vast majority of the families are attending because of their desire to disciple their children, it is our belief that camaraderie will be that much more enhanced.
So in conclusion, why should your family attend the Teach Them Diligently Convention?
•It will be enjoyable!
•Great Speakers and workshops
•Fellowship with other Christian Homeschool Families and Speakers
•Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding
•Shopping and Introduction to new educational products
If you are a Christian Homeschool Family, this is the Convention you want to attend. There will be something for everyone. Our featured speakers this year are Pam Tebow, mom of Tim Tebow; Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis; Sally Clarkson, and Heidi St. John.
We also have many other terrific speakers you will not want to miss and a large exhibit hall. All three of our conventions are in May 2013 in Spartanburg, SC; Nashville, TN; and Omaha, NE. Hope to see you there!