Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current needs. This will be our FINAL Preschool post, however not our final Learning with Ladybug post as I plan to blog through Kindergarten too!
We have a few main preschool categories, you can read the entire plan here, I will break my weekly posts down by category so you can see what she did each week within a certain area. If we have a letter focus, I will do a separate post to make searching easier. I will do the same for any themes we do.
See our entire Home Preschool Plan here!
{disclaimer: affiliate links are used in this post}
Spielgaben ~ Play Based Learning
We introduced box 6 in Spielgaben. She enjoyed her free play with the new set and immediately built a cat.
We then made crocodiles with lesson 6-1 and she LOVED every moment!
She loves tape too, so googly eyes got taped on too!
She loved making the zebra from the Nature Guide…
This is our free play area. I just stack the boxes up and put the top on when it is ‘closed” and lay the trays open when they are allowed to play freely.
See our Playful Learning with Spielgaben posts here, as well as a discount for my readers!
Messy Fun
We carried on with Moon Sand but brought it outside and made a new batch in our water table! Ladybug had her 5th birthday party recently and we called it “kitty litter” for the kids to play in since her theme was Cats and Dogs! My husband suggested putting tootsie rolls in it {hee hee}, we did not want to totally freak the kids {and parents} out. It was a good enough laugh telling the kids they were supposed to play in kitty litter!.
All By Myself Preschool Boxes
She spends about an hour in the afternoon playing with her boxes. Usually this hour starts right after lunch, but if she wants to play messy stuff first, I let her.
We haven’t been able to do school on the 5th day recently in the afternoon {when she has her box time} so I only make 4 boxes now.
In her mini sensory bins ~ unifix cubes, small foam flowers, mini frog/pond collection, and colored macaroni.
I got very few photos, mostly because I was working with the boys a lot. When I get going with them and she plays quietly, I often forget to take photos!
Monday’s box ~ books, wooden animal puzzles, shape creator set, color matching cards, mini pond collection
Tuesday’s box ~ macaroni, books, Animal Train, Shape Puzzles, wooden balance game
Wednesday ~ Mr. Potato head, books, pattern toy
Thursday ~ books, magnetic letter construction, unifix cubes, measurement cars, Octonauts heads/tails
See all items that rotate through our boxes here!
See our Simplifying Sensory Play post here!
All the Rest
We are currently reviewing the Bible based version of Integrity Time and went back to Letter D is for Determination! I am absolutely in love with the Bible version {full review here}! The character and Bible story was Joshua and the wall of Jericho. We built the wall together to prepare.
The story was acted out {and enjoyed immensely by my two younger kids}.
We learned the movements for the verse, talked about the meaning and the meaning of the word determination. After our lesson she wanted to decorate her “horn” with stickers!
We had fun outside {finally} digging for treasure, and playing hopscotch!
Her 5th birthday party was this month, she chose a puppy and kitty theme. It was her very first birthday party and she loved every moment!
See our LETTER Y work here, and Letter Z Work here, both done around the same time as what you see above!
Visit Preschool Corner to see more home preschool families!
This is our last Preschool post but NOT our last Learning with Ladybug post! I do plan to blog throughout her Kindergarten year, we are just taking a bit of a break from structured learning right now. our
See our Transition to Kindergarten plan here!