After revaluating our current home preschool routine, I have developed a new home preschool plan based on what I think will work better for my daughter {and me} at this time. This plan is also subject to change at anytime as I follow her lead! She is currently 4 1/2 years old, and you can read this post to see more about what led me to this plan.
Her actual time with me for focused learning is 1 hour per day, 5 days a week. You will see more about how that is working now in future posts, I will continue blogging in detail for her preschool year. Below is a brief list and description of the areas I have decided to focus on for her. Much of what you see below takes pace outside of that focus hour. For a preschooler, life is learning and these are the many ideas I plan to incorporate into her day.
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We are basing a large part of our play based learning around our new Spielgaben toy set and the user guides, inspiration cards, and worksheets that come with it. I was blessed beyond words to receive the complete set to review, right at the time we needed something like this most! God provides unique surprises and I am so grateful!
For our letter focused work, we will be using the following…
- All About Reading Pre
- ABC Baskets
- Various Printables and activities I think she would enjoy
- Alpha Tales ABC Books
For developing reading skills, we will be…..READING! Fancy huh? I believe the best way to get a child who is as close as Ladybug is to being ready to read over that hump is simply by enjoying books together. No pressure, no forcing from me, just fun reading snuggled up together and also plenty of free reading by herself. She will probably cross the final reading readiness line soon, but we are in no rush!
She will be using many Preschool Packs that focus around her interests and specific seasons/holidays. She loves theme based work!
For her independent afternoon time, she is using her All By Myself Preschool Boxes.
For social, emotional, character development we are using Integrity Time Online ~ Know It. We were given this curriculum to review {review/giveaway coming soon}, and it is a good fit for where she is at. Krash {age 7} will join us for this too. We will also be role-playing a LOT as I help her learn appropriate responses in social situations. This is an area she really struggles in, and role playing really helps a lot.
For our Bible focus, we are using Songs for Saplings, Questions with Answers Volume 1, God and Creation. See our printables here.
She has focused iPad learning time for about 30 minutes a day, and we are using this method to focus on certain apps I have chosen for her to use. I scheduled this in this year along with a learning DVD because I really needed 1 hour with Krash uninterrupted.
I am scheduling in one educational or Bible based DVD per day, using Netlix or DVDs we own. I love the new profiles on Netflix. I loaded up her specific Queue with the learning movies I have chosen {mostly Leapfrog, & a few Veggie Tales for now}.
For her love of all things sensory related, artsy, creative and messy we will be doing the following.
- Messy Sensory Play
- Free Art and Crafts
- Focused Crafts with Mommy
- Sensory Bins
Extra Stuff: Easy Readers on the iPad, Blue Manor eBooks & drawing lessons, Readeez Videos. None of this is an anchor part of our plan, but all stuff we have and enjoy right now.
I will change our plan again, I’m sure, but after a week with this new plan, she is thriving once again! I am thankful for now and will continue to follow her lead as I make educational choices for her!
Stay tuned, I will be sharing our first week back to preschool soon!