Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current needs.
We have a few main preschool categories, you can read the entire plan here, I will break my weekly posts down by category so you can see what she did each week within a certain area. If we have a letter focus, I will do a separate post to make searching easier. I will do the same for any themes we do.
See our entire Home Preschool Plan here!
{disclaimer: affiliate links are used in this post}
Spielgaben ~ Play Based Learning
We worked with box 5b in Spielgaben. We made a girl which she was unimpressed with. She asked to sit up on my table and work on it using the iPad {where the manual is}.
I thought the girl was pretty cute, but my real life girl disagreed.
The “make a pie” lesson was a BIG hit and an awesome learning experience. We worked on patterns and symmetry while creating the pie itself…
Soring and fractions were also a part of our play time as we created different “kinds”of pie within the pieces.
Of course she wanted to eat the pie.
We did a few worksheets from this set, here she was finding the missing piece.
We have had LOTS of fun with our free play area I have set up now. The Nature Guide is out a lot, as is the Inspiration Guide.
She loves making crocodiles now…
She also made the seagull…
This is her and her house.
See our Playful Learning with Spielgaben posts here, as well as a discount for my readers!
Messy Fun
This week we made Moon Sand again! See our original moon sand post here!
We use our MessMatz for this, and an assortment of goodies always come along to play.
I dislike homemade moon sand for one reason, it gets moldy when closed after about a week. Thankfully the huge bag of play sand we bought was cheap so it’s not a big deal.
All By Myself Preschool Boxes
She spends about an hour in the afternoon playing with her boxes. Usually this hour starts right after lunch, but if she wants to play messy stuff first, I let her. I am basically requiring her to float between her boxes or the messy play table, or if she wants to be difficult, she can take a nap. I sneak in to snap photos, but mostly she plays alone. Sometimes she comes to get me to show me something too.
We haven’t been able to do school on the 5th day recently in the afternoon {when she has her box time} so I only make 4 boxes now.
In her mini sensory bins ~ rocks, lentils, beads, and colored wheat berries.
I actually remembered to take photos of her boxes this week! Here she is posing with Monday {books, garden critters, geo boards, rocks}
She is always sorting by color, it’s a favorite of hers.
She loves the mini geo boards.
On Tuesday ~ {books, colored wheat berries, Large Tinkerbell puzzle, fishing ABCs, frogs on a log}. And a dog.
With each new day she is also allowed to go back to any of the previous day’s toys. This week she played with the bugs every day. They joined her in the wheat berries.
On Wednesday ~ books, lentils, beads and a string, pet puzzles, interlox
She made a house out of Interlox, for the critters of course.
She loves these puzzles.
Thursday ~ books, beads, stacking cups, old wooden sorting toy from my teaching days, number clip cards and a goofy girl sneaking in the picture!
Sorting, again!
See all items that rotate through our boxes here!
See our Simplifying Sensory Play post here!
All the Rest
We are currently reviewing the Bible based version of Integrity Time and went back to Letter C is for Cooperation! I am absolutely in love with the Bible version {full review coming soon}! The lesson was about the Tower of Babel, the kids loved the blocks we used as the object lesson.
We talked about cooperation and how when used for the right thing, great things can be achieved.
My girl builds animals and people out of everything now. I am pretty sure this is thanks to Spielgaben. It has been so inspirational for her, sparking her creativity like this. These are magnetic pattern blocks.
This is a dinosaur {made from our foam blocks}…
A bird she made out of the cubes Krash had been using to learn area.
See our LETTER X work here, which was done during the same time as what you see above!
Visit Preschool Corner to see more home preschool families!