Catching up on our chick adventures? You can see week 1 here and week 2 here, week 3 here, week 4/5 here, week 6 here, week 7 here and weeks 8/9 here.
We have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks and 7 Black Sex Links {a hybrid of the Barred Rock & Rhode Island Red}. The Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds are 9/10/11 weeks old in these photos and the BSLs are 10/11/12 weeks old.
The girls LOVE watermelon! We have really had fun bringing them a watermelon treat almost daily this summer!
We have started letting them out to roam while we are able to supervise them. We have too many hawks and fox for them to free range as much as I would like. So we settle for supervised free ranging. We LOVE watching them explore!
Our daughter continues to be the biggest fan of the chickens, especially her favorite – Freckles.
Our dog, Baxter loves to visit the chickens too. He’s a bit too rambunctious to be able to play with them in the yard, but he visits them through the gate!
See the chickens here #chickens4thehinsons