It’s been a while since I have added a new Kindergarten Literature Unit Study Printable Pack, but finally, we have a new one just in time for Winter! Enjoy a fun winter themed literature study with your Kindergartner with this new set based on the book The Snowy Nap by Jan Brett.
Set the stage for your unit by gathering extra books and some toys! It helps to draw your child in and get her/him excited about your learning time together.
Don’t have a lot of toys and books to go along with this book? Ask friends, go to the library, or buy some things you think might be a good long term investment for your homeschool!
Be sure to purchase the book The Snowy Nap, or check it out from your library. In addition to the main book, I recommend adding in other fun Winter books and some stuffed or toy animals to bring the theme alive!
For this unit, I selected several Kindergarten Math and Literacy Goals to focus on.
There are over 20 activities to keep your Kindergartener engaged for quite a while! Many tots, preschoolers, and even 1st graders will enjoy this set! The main focus is Kindergarten but that isn’t exclusive! Below you can see a collage of all the printables included! Click each image to enlarge!

A bit about The Snowy Nap…
A chill is in the air, and as Hedgie trundles around the farm all his friends tell him of the winter-time fun he will miss as he hibernates: Icicles decorating the chicken coop! Lisa making snowmen! The pond turned to slippery ice!
It sounds so amazing that Hedgie decides to stay awake instead of going to his burrow. But then, a snowstorm starts. Luckily, Lisa finds him and brings him to her home, so Hedgie gets to see the wonders of winter from inside the cozy house.
The printables were created to go along with the story as you will see in the photos below! Connecting your activities to a book is such a great way to weave a literacy-rich learning environment into your homeschool in such a natural and fun way!
Have fun retelling the story and expanding comprehension with our comprehension questions, photo cards, story props, and sequencing activities!

Explore beginning sounds, beginning sounds, rhyming, high-frequency words, and more with these fun literacy activities!

Explore important Kindergarten math concepts with several different activities.

There are a couple of ways to get your hands on this fun unit!
You can buy it individually here in my Shop!
You can buy a Kindergarten @ Home Membership which will give you access to ALL of our Kindergarten Literature Units!
Looking for something FREE? Check out our TEN free units here: