5th Grade

5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Year End Review
The homeschool curriculum choices blog posts are great, but what I really want to know is what families thought AFTER they used the curriculum they chose! I have shared many of...

5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
My daughter is 10 and going into 5th grade this year. Below are the 5th grade homeschool curriculum choices we have made for her! Changes may come, but this is...

5th Grade Reading List
We have used visual reading lists in our homeschool for years now! I spend lots of time each summer creating these lists for my kids and they really help throughout...

5th Year-End Review of Homeschool Curriculum Choices
The homeschool curriculum choices blog posts are great, but what I really want to know is what families thought AFTER they used the curriculum they chose! I will be sharing...
5th Grade Reading List ~ Update
As we close up our homeschool year I wanted to share the books my son, who is in 5th grade, ended up reading this year! At the beginning of...

All About Spelling Review
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used} This year, we used two different levels of All About Spelling. My 2nd grader used level 2 and my 5th grader used level 5....
5th Grade Homeschool Wrap-Up, Oct. 2016
This year I am doing individual grade level wrap-up posts instead of all three kids in one. I shared our first month of 5th grade here. This post will share...
The First Month of 5th Grade Homeschool
In the past I have done one big wrap up post for all three of my kids. I may go back to that but for now I wanted to do...
Our First Week of Homeschool ~ with a video peek at our 1st day!
We just completed our first week of 2nd, 5th, and 9th grade! Before I share a bit about our first week, let me give you the direct links to...

5th Grade Reading List
I spent the most time creating a book list for my 5th grader, since he is my slightly reluctant reader. I read tons of books this summer to carefully choose...

5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
My middle son is 10 and going into 5th grade this year. Below are the 5th grade homeschool curriculum choices we have made for Krash! Curious to see what he...
Weekly Wrap-Up for a Few Weeks
Our Christmas homeschool schedule is in full swing. For us that means I am doing a LOT with Pac to get ahead before the break, nothing planned with Krash {he’s...