Learning with Ladybug ~ Age 4y, 10.5m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current...
Home Preschool Letter W
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...
Wall-E Preschool Fun
Ladybug is 4 years, 10 months old Wall-E Preschool Printables & Activities We Used ~ Wall-E Printable Pack Wall-E Printables {disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used in this post}...
Learning with Ladybug ~ Age 4y, 10m
Welcome to our weekly preschool at home blog feature, Learning with Ladybug! As you probably know, I scrapped our preschool plan and built a new one based around our current...
Despicable Me Preschool Fun
Ladybug is 4 years, 10 months old Despicable Me Preschool Printables & Activities We Used ~ Despicable Me Printable Pack Minion Printable Crafts Despicable Me Coloring Despicable Me Pinterest Board...
Home Preschool ~ Letter V
Each week I share 2-3 posts sharing our home preschool learning. This post is only sharing our letter focused work. If we have a theme of the week, it will...

Love Theme Preschool Fun
We celebrate LOVE the entire month of February, not just on Valentine’s Day. Obviously we celebrate love every single day, but we make it a school theme in February! We...
Wall-E Printables
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links used} My girl is in love with Wall-E. So much so that she asked for letter W week to be a Wall-E theme! How could I...

Simplifying Sensory Play
After years of themed sensory bins, I have gotten to a stage in life where I need to simplify. We still do the occasional themed bin, but I need to...

Daniel Tiger Printables {free}
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links used} I have been asked many times for Daniel Tiger Printables and until recently I didn’t even know who Daniel Tiger was! That all changed when...

The Ins and Outs of Homeschooling Preschool
A couple of months ago I did something I have never done before, a live video over on Google+ focused on Homeschooling Preschool! I was invited by Lauren of Mama’s...

Winter Theme Preschool Fun
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links are used in this post} Winter Theme Preschool Printables & Activities We Used ~ The Mitten Story Prop Printables The Mitten Pack from Homeschool Creations Winter...