This is the main section of our preschool posts-focusing on what we do for our Raising Rock Stars Preschool Curriculum. I am not sharing photos of each part every week, just what I happen to catch! We do the entire unit even if I don’t show it here in the photos!
Our letter this week ~ Aa, our verse: A soft answer turns away wrath.
He continues to LOVE coloring his verse!
He LOVED that I let him tape his kind words craft together!!
He thought the PowerPoint was hilarious {I made it so that the animal on each page of the easy-reader “runs” away! We watched it over and over and over!!!
I put up these neat cork squares {got mine at Target} above his desk so I could pin up his work as he completes it each day and then show Daddy when he gets home from work! It has been really neat for Krash and he loves showing off his work {which also ends up being a great review!!!}. Here’s how his board looked before I cleaned it off to prepare for the next week.
{not photographed in this post but shown above: Apple Tree Color by Number, A is for Ants Dot Paint}
The Power Point lessons are located in the Members Only section. You can see a video here showing a PowerPoint lesson. You can learn more about the Members Only section here. The entire printable unit {everything else you see pictured above} is available for FREE on the main RRSP page…
You can download the entire letter Aa unit here.
RRSP Aa lesson plan is also on the same webpage! Included is our exact plan, with links to everything we used. Page 2 is blank in case you don’t do exactly what we do!
{A few things that were in his preschool workboxes for the week, not all activities are pictured}
He not only matched up the shapes with me, but also traced a few of them, at HIS REQUEST!!!
He was challenged a bit, but put his entire ABC floor puzzle together with no help from me!
Afterwards, I had him find the matching letter. I handed him a lower case magnet and asked him to name it and find it!
We did a few fun letter of the week activities. Here he is sorting his upper and lower case As, which he loved!
We had already made our ABC Crafts, A is for Alligator, so I just took it out to show him!
This is where I share the 3 special open-ended toys that were in our Star Boxes for the week.
I am finding that our Star Boxes are evolving since we are in the new school room. Krash has the freedom to choose from various open ended toys now, not just the 3 in his Star Boxes. I am going to continue to move some toys down to his Star Boxes for rotation, but he also has free access to other bins in our schoolroom now. You’ll see the Star Box toys for the week listed in our weekly lesson plans {the pdf page shown above in the RRSP section} and here I will include any photos from the week that show his free play with open-ended toys.
Guidecraft has hit a home-run again, you saw a peek in my Tot School post earlier in the week. Krash is also a HUGE fan of the Rainbow Blocks…He was impressed with the colors, and also that he could make a circle! On the right, you can see him driving his rocket ship!
Our game this week was ABC & 123 JINGO. We played several times, this game is simple and fun! You can see we used counting bears for markers this time.
See more of our favorite preschool games here.
Krash really loved our special time each day last week. He enjoyed making a falling leaves craft, singing fall leaves songs, learning the basics of laundry, and baking pumpkin pie!
I think it is pretty obvious by the smile on his face that he really enjoys his ABC Twiggles time. Here he was watching the Aa book, Ants Ants Everywhere! online, after doing the apple maze you see in his hand in the photo. The Aa unit is a FREE preview on their site if you want to check it out!
He participates daily in our geography time, and is learning many states, capitals and even a few abbreviations! I am amazed with what he is soaking in just by being with us! The USA PowerPoints {up through states beginning with L} are located in the Members Only section.
He still really likes Starfall, and now Ladybug joins him!
This is where I share games, toys, and life experiences that occur outside of our planned preschool time.
Free reading in the bean bag chair {},
I won MAJOR MOMMY POINTS when I laminated the coloring pages he had done of his favorite Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 guys. They then turned into great learning tools!I had him choose a coordinating pillow {these are the same minky dot color squares my mom made that I showed in my recent Tot School post} and blanket for each guy, based on their clothing colors.
Legos have come out BIG TIME around here as Krash has shown interest and Pac’s interested has renewed. Krash has been building like crazy!
I love these shots of him doing P is for PUSH UPs {ABC Movement Cards}, during our morning calendar time!Pretty good form for a 4 year old!!
Wrestling with Daddy…a daily occurrence.
More Preschool Links…
- Lesson Planning Sheets
- Raising Rock Stars Preschool Home
- Raising Rock Stars Sample Lesson Page
- Preschool Printables
- Preschool Tools Store
- Behind the Scenes ~ Preschool Workboxes
- Members Only Information
Be sure to visit Preschool Corner to see all of the other amazing home-preschool moms!